“ This is a special year for all of us. It is time for family and for enjoying quality time with those we love. For many of us , this is also the time to look back at the year we have been through a time to reflect on the year that has gone by.” President Cyril Ramaphosa said to the nation this afternoon.

President Ramaphosa was in pain explaining to the nation on issues which could have been averted or dealt better with should the civil servants be up to the task before them. Issues such as covid19 could have been better mitigated if we didn’t squander the money allocated to purchase PPEs. Many police and citizens lives were prematurely lost as a result of maladadministration of funds allocated to deal with the pandemic. Only about 18million South Africans are vaccinated as opposed to about 40millions because we didn’t create enough awareness to help our citizens understand the importance of vaccinations.

The unrest which took place between KZN and GP Provinces will not have taken place at the rate in which it did, should we have had readily available multi-disciplinary approach to security matters in our country. This is confirmed during the SAHRC interview with the National Commissioner and the minister of Police which sat to look at the causes of unrest which damaged private infrastructure (about R92billion loss) and about 300 lives lost during the insurgency. Very disappointing show by Saps senior management there!

Saps inability to quell state capture which many people now believe that it was deliberateley allowed to have a smooth transition to the already prepared pockets. We hope in the first report to be issued by Justice Zondo on the 4th of January, there will be enough compelling reasons to deal with the culprits of the state capture decisively.

IPUSA wants to remind South Africans about General Phiyega’s statement after the Guptas landed their flight at the national keypoint area called Waterkloof Airbase, where police officers 10111 vehicles were seen escorting them from the base to NW in a properly coordinated way to ensure their safety to their destination. In a press briefing by the security cluster , she said she had opened the case against the security personel who escorted the Guptas as they had no permission to do so. What happened to that case? It is IPUSA’s believe that saps has a case to answer in regard to the landing of the Gupta’s flight at the national key point. We are looking forward to the first report.

Crime stats issued recently showed a spike in all of the most dreadfull contact crimes such as murder, roberries house and business, rape and car jakings and so forth. New to these crimes is kidnapping for ransom purposes (about 2000). It is the police constitutional obligation to ensure safety and security to all the inhabitants of this country. Bivhili iri “ mulinda israele ha edeli” Psalm 121:1. Where were South African watchers during this trying times? Surely not at the place where they were supposed to be as they would have been found. President must boot these leadership out of the service.

We want to appreciate the presence of the army in the absence of Saps, who came in and save South Africa from coupe de tat. The commander-in-chief also showed South Africans his lack of trust in the saps to oversee the november 1 municipal elections by extending the presence of the army to deal with homeland security.

It is IPUSA’s view that Saps biggest problems are political in nature and that there are these National Comissioners who failed to do what they wanted to do when in office and are using the current sitting Nascom to realise those goals. We MUST depoliticize the service and professionalize it. Member who qualifies to sit in positions of the service should be based on merits.

Unions had lost focus in their purpose to be the vanguard of the working class rights and now find themselves providing support to those who are working against the rights of the working class. IPUSA will fight to the bitter end to ensure that the rights of the working class are protected.

That’s what the late Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Mpilo Tutu fought for, justice, freedom and peace. May his soul rest in eternal peace knowing that there are people like us, who will continue to fight for what he believed in. He was fearless and refused to be handled by politicians, but continued to fight a political war to the advantage of political parties who had

no voice at the time. The whole world adored him just like Nelson Mandela for the role he played in our quest for freedom, justice and peace. Ho mme Leah, bana, le batloholo, etseng hore le na le baratoa lehatseng ka hofela. IPUSA mahareng! Hi ta tsama hi nwu tsundzuka minkarhi hinkwayo! Mag die Here seer die hele familie van Tutus.

Ipusa is calling on all who are working in a security cluster police, security, home affairs, metro and traffic, justice and correctional services in Tutu’s spirit, to work togather as a team and defeat the enemy called maladministration and corruption because this disable the state to commit to the promises it made to its citizens.

Any official caught carrying out unlawful instructions from their seniors should not expect any protection from the state, because they will be fighting against the state principle of treating its citizenry with dignity and respect. Report this immidiately! And you will see how this is going to have the impact in adressing South Africa’s problems today.

Go well 2021 and allow 2022 space to show its capabilities to protect lives and properties of all South Africans. We can do this without extra manpower but utilise the current human resources wisely and provide intelligence with the necessary resources they need to support Vispol and mufti departments to do their work without fear, favour nor prejudice.

IPUSA believes that members have taken an oath of office to serve the interest of the state and its citizens, and not of individuals. We should therefore not take an advantage of this authority bestowed on us by them.

Issued by

Bethuel Nephtal Nkuna

060 505 1106

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